Day 2: The Wonder of Reading / by Jeff Tacklind


           Today is one of my favorite days of the year.  Dr. Seuss’s birthday!  Not that I am such a huge fan of the doctor, but it happens to be the day where our elementary school celebrates reading.  For the last 9 years, my wife and I have participated in going to a classroom at El Morro and reading a favorite story for the kids.  We get asked because one of my favorite people in the world, Mary Blanton, hosts the event and does a fabulous job in celebrating the wonder of reading.

            I read today in my daughter Lila’s classroom.  That girl!  She is one of the warmest and friendliest people I know.  I love seeing her interact with her friends and teacher.  She loves to be involved and helped me hold up the book so her classmates could see the illustrations.

            I read Finding Winnie, which is one of our favorites.  It is the true story of the bear that inspired Christopher Robin Milne’s father to write his endearing childrens books.  Not that the Winnie the Pooh books are strictly for children.  His books and poetry are so brilliant and delightful and at the top of my favorites list.

            Today, amidst the goodness and delight of the classroom, I saw that glimmer that is so close to the heart of God.  I saw wonder in the eyes of these wonderful children.  I loved their fascinated questions, their wide eyes (“You mean he was a real bear?!), their desire to share their own stories, and especially the little girl that came up afterward and proudly, but shyly, showed me her Winnie the Pooh shoes that she just happened to wear that day.

            Childlike wonder!  It is one of the most beautiful gifts.  Our world is filled with it, if we have the eyes to see.  During this Lenten season, I hope that we can create the space for it, to read books to our children, to remember those moments where our own hearts were filled with delight, and to discover new glimpses of God in the brilliant and creative world around us.  Go read something today that delights your heart.  It is Dr. Seuss’s birthday, after all!